Michael Aufhauser
Michael Aufhauser was born on 25 April 1952 in Augsburg. He graduated from the Zerboni drama school in Gauting near Munich. His three-year training was followed by engagements in a television series, films and theatre.
After three years as an actor, he decided to switch to the tourism industry. First in Europe, then worldwide, Michael Aufhauser developed innovative tourism programmes and became Vice-President of a large company in Boston.
The path to animal welfare
The transformation and the path to animal welfare began when Michael Aufhauser watched from his office window on the Costa del Sol in 1991 as dog catchers took away street dogs. He decided to go after them. Shortly afterwards, he witnessed the gruesome gassing of around 40 dogs and cats. He bought the remaining animals, which were to die in the next gassing, and took care of their accommodation and placement.
This laid the foundation for his future vocation and over the next few years, Michael Aufhauser was able to save more and more animals from a terrible fate. Together with the animal welfare organisation “Pro Animale” and his long-time companion Irene Florence he rescued over 1000 animals in the following years. He also tried to draw attention to the catastrophic situation of many animals in the media – for example, he explained the abuses in Spain in the ARD programme “Das Leid der Tiere”.
However, Michael Aufhauser soon realised that the animal rescues could only combat the symptoms. However, in order to improve the situation of the animals in the long term, it was necessary to return to the source…
Michael Aufhauser quickly realised that animal welfare must also be human welfare. His credo: Even if we could protect animals from us humans, we would have achieved nothing. We will only have achieved something when we no longer have to protect animals from us humans. Then we will have changed something: “Us!”.all-encompassing humanity that also includes our animals and nature. He contrasts the identification of grievances with proposals for solutions. He sits at the table with the perpetrators of animal suffering. His major goal becomes increasingly clear to him. It is about constantly reminding everyone that animals are not objects, but sentient fellow creatures. If this realisation is imprinted, laws will be changed and animal suffering will be reduced.
The origins of Gut Aiderbichl
The objective was clear, now a place had to be found that would be suitable for the realisation. For this reason, Michael Aufhauser and Irene Florence looked for a location that would be suitable for both the accommodation of his private horses and the stables for the animals that had been rescued in the meantime. At this point, more than 25 animals had already been rescued from precarious situations – and the number was increasing. The purchase of the beautiful property above Lake Wallersee in Henndorf came about through the contact of a bank director. As the construction of the beautiful buildings is a unique project in the area, many people were already curious at the time of construction, which is why there were many interested visitors.
Gut Aiderbichl received a great deal of attention regionally, including in the media. Animal rights activists got in touch and proposed a church service of all denominations for animals in 2001. The animals were hit very hard at the time, especially the cattle. Millions were senselessly “culled” and the coverage of the service shed light on the treatment of these animals and the background to this. Gut Aiderbichl developed into a medium for the animals, but also became a place to go for people who wanted to help animals in need but didn’t know where to keep rescued animals. Soon the existing stables had to be expanded. Irene Florence was able to accompany this development, but passed away in 2002.
Michael Aufhauser now had to develop a concept on his own to ensure the long-term economic viability of an estate of this size. For this reason, he set up a management company and a charitable foundation and created a strong team to manage Gut Aiderbichl from then on. Dieter Ehrengruber and Friederike Grünthal offered the management.
The number of rescued animals at Gut Aiderbichl grew dramatically and the first outdoor yards were created. For Michael Aufhauser, it is of vital importance that large animals such as horses and cattle, but also pigs, goats and sheep, are not placed in good faith in places that have a different objective in terms of husbandry or purpose than Gut Aiderbichl. Michael Aufhauser’s approach was strongly influenced by the founder of the “Pro Animale” organisation, Johanna Wothke, over many years of collaboration. She promises the animals she takes in a life in which they will never again experience fear and stress. An important role model for animal husbandry at Gut Aiderbichl.
When horses and other large animals are allowed to stay at Gut Aiderbichl for the rest of their lives, this places particularly high demands on their welfare. They should feel just as happy as they do with private owners who offer them ideal conditions. This is very time-consuming and requires exceptionally good staff with excellent training.
Michael Aufhauser’s primary concern was to be able to help animals in need on a large scale. The focus was not on the size of the estate itself, but rather on having sufficient capacity. It is thanks to his expertise, professional dedication and sensitivity for people and animals that Gut Aiderbichl was able to grow and establish itself for this purpose. Many thousands of animals have benefited from this – to this day.
Michael Aufhauser’s tireless commitment was entirely voluntary for Gut Aiderbichl. Income from his rights to book, film and other productions also goes entirely to the Gut Aiderbichl project and thus exclusively benefits the animals.
His most important message is to tell people: “Animals are not things, but sentient fellow creatures. They are capable of suffering just like us.”serious illness in May 2015, Michael Aufhauser has no longer been actively involved in Gut Aiderbichl, but is still recovering.
In order to achieve the goal that he and his many colleagues have set themselves of changing the way we think about the weaker members of society, especially animals, who are currently being hit particularly hard, a large public must be reached. This is happening permanently.
Programmes such as “Christmas at Gut Aiderbichl”, the documentary series “Die Tierretter von Aiderbichl” (Access-Prime-Time, 20 episodes), the award ceremony “Gut Aiderbichl – Das Goldene Herz für Tiere” (Eurovision), the feature film series “Das Paradies für Tiere” and the hundreds of documentaries about Gut Aiderbichl have a supporting effect.
Michael Aufhauser has been a guest on many TV programmes (Kerner, Nachtcafe etc.). Prominent companions also contribute to spreading the idea and philosophy of Gut Aiderbichl. His two books “Umdenken mit Herz” and “Rettet die Tiere!” were published within a year and became bestsellers. His column “A question of humanity” appeared for many years in the weekend edition of the Munich newspaper tz, as did his full-page “Animal file”, which also appeared every Wednesday in the same newspaper. In Austria, his column “Gedanken mit Herz” was published weekly on Wednesdays in the Salzburger Kronenzeitung for many years.
Michael Aufhauser created free-range parks for dogs and played a key role in ensuring that animals were given constitutional status in the state of Salzburg. Michael Aufhauser has also facilitated encounters between disabled people, hospice residents and old people with animals, for whom contact with animals brings a little light and joy into their difficult lives.