Cat Blade
- Color:
black - Gender:
Male - Zodiac sign:
Capricorn - Birthday:
01.01.2021 - Entry date:
17.10.2022 - Location:
Maria Schmolln - To be communicated:
One day, four young kittens moved into an apartment in Vienna. The four of them had not been spayed or neutered. So disaster took its course. And after two years, the cat lover was already living with 47 animals in a small 50 square meter apartment in the middle of the city. It was getting really cramped. To make sure the cats had enough space, the cat owner slept in the bathtub in winter and on the balcony in summer. But despite his efforts, the animals lacked hygiene and veterinary care. The case came to the attention of the mobile team from the Volkshilfe project "A G'spia für's Tier" and Gut Aiderbichl asked for help. The animal rescuers acted immediately and drove to Vienna. The man's love of cats was great, unfortunately too great in this case. The man suffers from a mental illness known as "animal hoarding". The animal rescuers from Gut Aiderbichl brought the cats to Gut Aiderbichl Maria Schmolln. The animals are extremely shy and severely traumatized. Please support us with a sponsorship for Blade so that we can continue to help in cases like these. We are looking for a loving home for Blade, where he will be given a lot of patience.