Dog Brummbär
- Color:
brown - Gender:
Male - Zodiac sign:
Scorpio - Birthday:
03.11.2022 - Entry date:
03.11.2022 - Location:
Tierschutzhof Krevinghausen - To be communicated:
The little grumpy bear is a real surprise. Because we knew nothing of his existence when we evacuated Mama Bella from the Ukraine with 122 other animals. The rescue was dramatic, the journey incredibly exhausting. In her new home at Gut Aiderbichl Tierschutzhof Krevinghausen, we took Bella to the vet. She was suffering from a tumor that needed to be checked. This is when we discovered Bella's little secret. Brummbär and his brother Butch were born by caesarean section. When they are big enough, we will be looking for a forever home for them. If you are interested, please contact tiervermittlung@gut-aiderbichl.com