Dog Caesar
- Color:
brown/white - Gender:
Male - Zodiac sign:
Aquarius - Birthday:
05.02.2021 - Entry date:
02.04.2021 - Location:
Rumänien - Puchenii Mari - To be communicated:
Date of birth: 05.02.2021 Shoulder height: 38cm Weight: 11kg male Caesar, Calvin and Cerise live with us in a large dog group and get along perfectly with other dogs. The three siblings are even more reserved with us two-legged friends. In principle, they are completely relaxed around people, but want little or no interaction. If you want to stroke them, they prefer to get out of the way and lie down again a few meters away. The three are by no means frightened, but more patience is required than with other dogs. Caesar, Calvin and Cerise are never aggressive and are happy to be picked up, handled and stroked by us. However, it always takes a bit of persuasion and patience to get the three of them to cooperate. We are looking for a loving home that will continue on the path we have already taken with experience and patience. We see the three of them making small progress every day and are sure that they will do well in the right home. All three are vaccinated, wormed and microchipped and will travel with a valid EU pet passport after a veterinary exit check. We very much hope that they will soon find a new, loving home!