Dog Dora
- Color:
Black - Gender:
Female - Zodiac sign:
Capricorn - Birthday:
01.01.2018 - Entry date:
02.12.2020 - Location:
Rumänien - Puchenii Mari - To be communicated:
Date of birth:01.06.2016 Shoulder height: 60cm Weight: 39kg female Dora came to us in winter 2018 from another animal shelter. In the last two years we have already taken her very much to our hearts. Dora is a real powerhouse, but is generally very fond of people. Her ideal day would consist of lots of cuddles, interspersed with long walks. The only thing Dora can't take a joke about is her food. For this reason, and also because of her size and strength, Dora can only be placed with very experienced dog owners. Dora is a wonderful dog who really deserves a place in a home.