The fact that Henri, Britta, Clausi, Ludmilla and other animals are still alive today is thanks to the active help of our sponsors. An Aiderbichler employee discovered animals in a dealer's stable. It was extremely dark, filthy and the animals were tied up with a string. When he looked into the stable, sad eyes stared back at him. He immediately called Michael Aufhauser and told him about it. He wrestled with himself: he he would love to help the animals immediately and take them in. But the costs for so many animals are simply enormous. We definitely needed help. So Michael Aufhauser contacted the sponsors directly and reported on our website about this highly topical animal emergency and asked for help. Because each of these ponies would cost us at least 200 euros a month. Thanks to our sponsors and friends, who responded immediately, we were able to animals from the stable and bring them to Gut Aiderbichl.