In 1986, she came to the laboratory as a chimpanzee child, alone and isolated. Her cage with a grid floor was not much bigger than she was. She was released from the experiment in 1997 and then gradually got to know other chimpanzees in a re-socialization programme. Shusha gave birth to her son David in 1998 and Xsara a year later, but both had to be bottle-fed by the keepers. Shusha never had the opportunity to learn what it takes to be a mother. She is more of a friend to her children than a mother and particularly enjoys playing with Xsara. Shusha is a female chimpanzee who keeps order between the men. She pacifies them with hugs and pats them on the back. She cultivates female friendships through grooming. At the moment, her favorite friends are Bonnie and Lingoa. Schuscha was one of the first chimpanzees to sit on a high tree in the outdoor enclosure. Then her son David followed. She loves to eat and has been put on a diet as she is very prone to putting on weight.