Raphael, Sophia and Alexander, who has since died, owe their lives to animal rights activists from Halletau. On May 20, 2014, they were alerted by animal lovers that three lambs were living in a construction trailer. With the help of the police, the trailer was opened, the sheep were freed and brought to safety. At the time, the three were just two to three weeks old and had to be bottle-fed. The foster home took great care of the three, but could not keep them in the long term. The organization had to find a permanent solution where the three could stay until the end of their natural lives. But time was running out. They turned to Gut Aiderbichl and tried their luck. For Michael Aufhauser it was clear: help was needed immediately and after a short period of preparation the three were allowed to become Aiderbichlers. Please become a sponsor so that we can continue to