Dog Terro
- Color:
Brown/black - Gender:
Female - Zodiac sign:
Aries - Birthday:
01.04.2019 - Entry date:
01.04.2019 - Location:
Rumänien - Puchenii Mari - To be communicated:
Terro lives in our yard in a large group of dogs. She gets on very well with all the dogs and lives a quiet and peaceful life with us. Terro is a gentle and somewhat shy dog. Terro is reserved and cautious, especially with strangers. However, Terro also shows her natural temperament when she is with people and is friendly and open. Terro has slight leg problems, which also lead to a somewhat unusual gait. Terro's leg problems occurred when she was a young dog but - according to our doctor - were already present from birth. Several x-rays have unfortunately confirmed that Terro's leg problems are irreversible. However, Terro is coping very well and shows no signs of discomfort or pain when romping around. As he gets older, however, Terro may have to cut back a little. Weight: 20-25 kg Height: 46 - 48 cm If you are interested in Terro, please contact: animal.rescue@gut-aiderbichl.com