Animals are not toys, but living creatures for which you take responsibility when you buy them - for the rest of your life. At Gut Aiderbichl, we are constantly reminded that not every pet owner has this attitude. When their once beloved companions get in the way, take up too much time or no longer fit into their plans, some pet owners' conscience takes a back seat. They simply abandon their animals and leave them to an uncertain fate. When our estate manager Hansi Süß went on his evening tour of Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf, he discovered a bag in front of the gate. His dog Bobby, who accompanied him as usual, sniffed at it excitedly. Hansi carefully opened the clasp. And what he saw made him angry and sad at the same time. Inside the small bag were three rabbits, cowering in the bag with some straw. There was no "farewell letter" or anything like that! Hansi first took his sad find into the warmth so that the rabbits were safe. The Gut Aiderbichl team immediately set about finding a suitable place for the three and getting it ready for them, and a vet appointment was also arranged straight away. Of course we helped in this case and placed the three rabbits under our protection. Nevertheless, everyone should be aware that abandoning an animal is a criminal offense that will of course be reported to the police. Animals are not something you can simply get rid of. Anyone considering getting a pet should bear this in mind.