It is not uncommon for the animals to be purchased as chicks. Usually ordered from a "breeder". However, it often happens that you don't just get hens. And since roosters are not known to lay eggs, people have no use for them other than to end up as soup chickens. This is exactly what happened to an animal-loving family who brought six chicks home. It turned out that three of them were roosters. Initially, the family decided to keep one rooster and look for a new home for the other two. They contacted Gut Aiderbichl and asked for help. Markus Leitner, Estate Manager of Gut Aiderbichl Carinthia, agreed to take on the two cockerels, who were introduced to us as Else and Xenophilia. Dieter Ehrengruber also gave his OK and so the journey could begin. Almost: The family had discussed it again. They were worried that the neighbors might complain about "Luna" crowing. The family asked cautiously and were delighted when they got a "yes".