Xsara was born in an experimental laboratory, but fortunately she never had to experience what a research experiment is. Like her brother David, Xsara had to be raised by hand. Unfortunately, her mother Schuscha was unable to raise the two of them - she simply didn't know how something like this works. Schuscha was kept isolated for too long. Xsara is the youngest of all the chimpanzees. As our keepers say, she is a real diva with star airs. When Xsara wants something, she bitches until she gets it. It doesn't matter whether it's food, attention or physical contact. If something doesn't go her way, she plays the offended party. She is protected by her youth and has many freedoms that others are not allowed. If she gets out of line, mother Shusha rushes over. And if nothing else helps - Moritz, the boss himself. As Xsara slowly grows up, the level of protection and tolerance within the group is also reduced. She has to make an effort to fit into adult life. This is a good learning process for everyone in the group. Xsara is very playful, curious and likes to make contact with people. The first time the gate to the outdoor enclosure opened, Xsara was the only one who didn't go outside. The diva was defiant and played the offended party.