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Obituary Aslan and Chinesli

Dog Aslan and cat Chinesli have crossed the Rainbow Bridge

“Don’t exaggerate with the obituaries, they’re animals,” some people say. But we counter: every single animal is a special personality with an equally special story. That’s why we will always report on deceased animals from Gut Aiderbichl, because:

It's not just an animal ... It's a heart that beats, a soul that feels and a life that wants to live.

Sylvia Rabloff

Aslan guarded his deceased mistress until a human finally arrived ...

Aslan’s owner had died in the flat. From then on, there were no walks, no cuddles and nobody spoke to his faithful companion. His owner’s voice was silenced forever. It must have been very quiet in the flat, but nobody in the neighbourhood seemed to notice that a catastrophe had happened behind the closed door. Aslan must have been whimpering from hunger, thirst and his grief, but nobody could hear him. It was probably only days later that the smell alerted the neighbours, who called the public order office. The woman’s body was taken away and Aslan was brought to Gut Aiderbichl Osnabrück.

How much and how long can a dog endure suffering?

You can tell from the animals’ behaviour that they are mourning the loss of the person they love. This strong bond does not end after separation or death. This is shown by examples that have become famous: The Argentinian shepherd dog Captain visited the grave of his deceased owner for eleven years. Captain died at the age of 16 – just a few metres from his master’s grave. The most famous example of a faithful, grieving soul is probably Hachiko. This faithful companion collected his master from Shibuya station in Japan every evening. Until one day his master never returned. Hachiko still came to the station as often as he could and never gave up hope that his master would come back.

Aslan still had a great time at Gut Aiderbichl

Aslan was just under eight years old when he was taken in at Gut Aiderbichl. His hind legs caused him problems, but the full bowl of food brought him joy.Some time ago, we noticed that Aslan was suffering more and more from osteoarthritis. His food bowl was no longer so important to him.
The diagnosis from the vet clinic didn’t bode well. As sad as this moment is every time, even we animal rescuers at Gut Aiderbichl don’t get used to it, you have to let go at a certain point. Aslan made his way to his owner. He closed his eyes peacefully. The carers stayed with him until his good-natured heart had made its last beat. His candle of life had gone out.

Cat Chinesli, long-time resident at the cat house in Teufen, Switzerland

In 2010, Gut Aiderbichl took over the small house in Teufen in the mountains of Switzerland. Several orphaned cats were already living there and the first Aiderbichl cat to move into Teufen was Chinesli.
Chinesli was two years old when she moved into Teufen, in the mountains of Switzerland. It was 2010 when Gut Aiderbichl took over the house, which was already home to many orphaned cats. Aslan was the first Aiderbichl cat to join them. She was adopted from a provision for pets.

Chinesli and her fellow cats lived in the whole house with a huge garden

Chinesli had the life of a princess. She wanted for nothing: there were always loving carers, numerous conspecifics, the best food and, if necessary, medical care and a huge garden with lots of sunny and shady spots.

Despite paradisiacal circumstances, Chinesli had recently been showing more and more clearly that she wanted to say goodbye. She was getting on in years and one day, in the presence of her carers and her special friend Möhrli, she fell asleep. Her gentle feline soul floated away into the big, wide cat heaven.

Early arrangements in the event of death are essential in the interests of the animals

Unlike Chinesli, Aslan would have been spared a lot of sadness if his owner had taken out a provision for pets in good time. The purpose of this is to provide a good home for the animal when its owner dies. Dying is a subject that we humans don’t like to talk about or think about. Nevertheless, dying is part of life and it is the human responsibility of a pet owner to make provisions for their four-legged companion should the worst come to the worst. All related questions are answered at

Dear Aslan, dear Chinesli,
You were certainly well-loved and well-cared-for animals until your owners closed their eyes one day. If you try to put yourself in Aslan’s shoes, you can only tentatively imagine what it must have been like for him to guard his deceased owner. We hope, dear Aslan, that you enjoyed the rest of your life at Gut Aiderbichl. Cats are known to have a life of their own, dear Chinesli. But even you won’t have known why your owner stopped calling for you in the first few hours.
You were two special personalities on four paws and you can be sure: your footprints are deep in our hearts and the Aiderbichlers will never forget you. Farewell to your star.

From: Gisela Pschenitschnig, Gut Aiderbichl

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