Easter at Gut Aiderbichl
Easter Sponsors' Meeting - Review
Easter at Gut Aiderbichl is always something special for people and animals.
During the Easter holidays, our Animal Visitor Centres in Deggendorf, Iffeldorf and Henndorf offered an exciting program for young and old, with animal walks, pony grooming sessions and the Junior Animal Keeper program. The Easter Bunny was also out and about and hid his eggs on Easter Sunday. Not only at Gut Aiderbichl in Henndorf, but also at Gut Aiderbichl in Iffeldorf and Deggendorf, there was plenty to look for.
On Easter Sunday, we were once again able to warmly welcome our sponsors and supporters to Gut Aiderbichl in Henndorf. At our Easter Sponsors’ Meeting, we were able to give you an overview of our daily work to protect the animals and celebrate the festive food consecration with you.
With your help, we have already been able to give over 160 animals a new, loving home at Gut Aiderbichl since the beginning of the year until our sponsors’ meeting in April. Thank you on behalf of the animals!
We would like to share the impressions of our Easter sponsors’ meeting with you in a short video.