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Bonsai, Malin and Momo

A call for help brought the little animal family to us

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

A psychologist and psychotherapist had a great idea around 17 years ago. During her active time, she was in charge of a youth welfare project for adolescents who were difficult to educate.

There was a large meadow around the psychologist’s house. Animals in need of care were taken in to stabilise the young people’s daily structure. In the course of setting up the project, the animal-loving lady learnt about a sanctuary that was looking for new accommodation for a family of donkeys. Unfortunately, when she arrived at the farm, she realised that the living conditions for the animals were anything but species-appropriate.

After many years of loving care, a new home urgently needed to be found for the little family. Over time, the donkey Malin and his son, the mule Bonsai, developed laminitis, which occurred repeatedly in bouts. The fat meadows had probably become too much. Recently, the animals had been standing in the stable for 23 hours to “escape” the meadows. Unfortunately, they also became very overweight.

The characters of Momo, Malin and Bonsai

Momo, the pony, was neglected and her body showed wounds on admission, she had parasites and hair loss. Malin, the donkey, was very shy and mistreated. He had sired a mule called Bonsai (mule = mother is a horse mare and the father a donkey stallion) with Momo, and after the “mishap” Malin had been castrated without anaesthetic. The psychologist was able to use the three animals wonderfully in her therapy work with the youngsters. There was no lack of love and care on any single day.

The animals are lovingly described: Malinis said to have been extremely anxious and did not want to have his halter put on. If something became too much for him, he would kick out backwards.
The pony Momo was used for years at the funfair and carried children in circles on her back until she was “sorted out” due to her age. When she was taken in by the psychologist, she was neglected, but this state was soon to change. Momo didn’t mind the halter and was easy to lead. Donkey Malin and her offspring Bonsai follow her wherever she goes.</span
Bonsai was still drinking milk with Momo when he was taken in. At the appropriate time, mule Bonsai was castrated.
There were problems with his upbringing. Father Malin took over. Somehow, Bonsai always did what his father did, or – preferably – Bonsai did what he wanted.

"It breaks my heart to see the animals in freedom for a maximum of 1.5 hours ..."

The laminitis no longer permitted a 24-hour stay in the meadow. Due to the lady’s age and illness, action had to be taken quickly and a new forever home had to be found for the little family. The separation was not easy for all four of them, but the care, the costs of the medication for laminitis etc. were beyond the means of the animal-loving lady. She wanted them to be safe, and now they are.

Malin, Momi and Bonsai are settling in at Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf

22-year-old Malin, 24-year-old Momo and their 16-year-old Bonsai are slowly getting used to their new surroundings in Deggendorf.
“We keep the family between the donkeys’ and ponies’ stables. It somehow works best that way. They have company among the animals, and we watch the three of them develop.
Momo is on top of things, Malin’s fear of men is slowly improving. The fear probably has something to do with the castration. His son Bonsai is already a cheeky mule, and time will help him to be calmer and more level-headed,” says Benedikt Gruber, manager of Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf.

Every animal deserves a life in dignity. We must create the conditions for this.

– Francis of Assisi

A big thank you to all the animal-loving people whose support makes it possible for us to help animals in need. If you would like to visit the new family Momo, Malinand Bonsai: they are waiting for you at the Gut Aiderbichl visitor centre in Deggendorf. Yours sincerely, Gisela

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