Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Cat easy

Easy the cat couldn't go to the care home

Cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats – the list of animals that are not allowed to accompany their elderly owners to a care home is endless.
For many older people, not being able to have their pet with them in a care home is a heartbreaking experience.

The reasons why animals cannot go to such facilities are varied and sometimes understandable. Nevertheless, the number of establishments where animals are allowedis increasing.
However, the authorisation mainly concerns caged animals and small animals that do not require much work. Dogs need to be given regular exercise. This assumes that the owner can still walk certain distances. Cats also require more dedication than birds or fish, for example. There is still some thinking and reorganisation to be done in this area to allow ageing people to spend the last stage of their lives together with their pets.

Animals help against loneliness

Pets are particularly popular with older people. They help to combat loneliness and keep the ageing person active in life.
Dogs and cats replace a partner for people who have passed away. Animals are often like a substitute for children, whether that’s right or not.
Dogs and cats need their humans. They want to be stroked, they want to cuddle and snuggle and they have their own language of familiarity with their owner.

But what happens if the owner has to move into a care home? Can they take their beloved pet with them? Unfortunately, this is not always possible and the person is sad. The animal also suffers and mourns the loss of its familiar surroundings and its human, because very often the path leads them from their familiar home to an animal shelter.

Easy the cat now lives in the cat living room at Gut Aiderbichl in Iffeldorf

His owner was a resident of the municipality of Iffeldorf, Germany. She had to go into a nursing home and suddenly there was the question of what to do with Easy, the beautiful white tomcat. The municipality asked Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf if there was a place for Easy in the spacious cat living room.

Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf is beautifully situated by the Osterseen lakes and is surrounded by breathtaking nature. Donkeys, ponies, cattle, dogs, pigs etc. live on the farm and there is also the spacious cat living room, where Easy the cat has found many companions with whom he can cuddle, run around in the outdoor enclosure or simply sleep cosily in his bed.
What is particularly important: although his owner is in a care home, she can visit her Easy at any time. Although they are physically separated, they never lose sight of each other.

Cats never forget their humans

Like all cats, Easy has a long-term memory and will always remember experiences with his owner and formative events that can date back up to twelve years.

Gut Aiderbichl helps animals in need and people too. How reassuring it must be for the elderly woman to know that Easy the cat is feeling well and happy while she gets the help she needs at the care home.

Time doesn’t stand still, many life situations mean change and separation. We humans don’t actually like all this very much, but it is immensely important as a responsible pet owner to think about all possible changes in life and not to forget the care of your pet.

In nine lifetimes, you will never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you.

– Michel de Montaigne


By: Gisela Pschenitschnig

Cat Easy

In October 2024, we received a call for help from Iffeldorf. It was about a neutered, long-haired male cat called Easy who needed a new home. His owner had to move into a care home…

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