Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Cats Morle, Kirill and Mogeline

Where would they be without pet insurance?

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

For years, the cats Morle, Kirill and Mogelinelived with a lady.
When people change their lives or pass away, animals are left behind. For many years, animal ownershave been able to take out animal insurancewhich guarantees that the animals in the “trap that …” will become aiderbichlersthrough animal protection.

Thinking about tomorrow today

As a responsible owner of one or more pets, you know that your pet is part of the family. There is usually a will that regulates everything for the bereaved. To ensure that pets of people who have to go into a retirement home or die do not end up in an animal shelter, it is a good idea to make provisions for your pets. It’s not always the case that someone is willing to take on the animals of a neighbour or an elderly mother.

Older animals such as Morle, Kirill and Mogeline are also difficult to place. Thanks to animal welfare, the three cats have found a loving and species-appropriate new home.

Morle, Kirill and Mogeline have settled in very well at their new forever home in the cat villa in Deggendorf. There are plenty of fellow cats, enough rooms and cosy places for all the velvet paws in Deggendorf to lie down.
Morle, Kirill and Mogeline confidently make their way outside – either through an open window or through the front door. They hide under the bushes in the garden, lie in the sun in front of the house – just as they please. When the carers come, they know that the beds are freshly made up and the toilets and floors are cleaned. When everything is ready, they are stroked and cuddled – almost like at home with their human, where unfortunately they can no longer be.

Animal welfare should be a topic close to our hearts

The animals’ habits are respected and our carers are trained and experienced, and we guarantee that the funding provided is used for the quality of life of the animals that are handed over to us with confidence. There is absolute transparency about this, which we are also available to discuss.
Whether with or without an impairment – every animal can be admitted to the animal care centre and will be lovingly cared for by our experienced animal carers.

Never be afraid to do the right thing, especially when it comes to the welfare of a person or an animal. Society's punishments are minor compared to the wounds we inflict on our souls when we look the other way.

– Martin Luther King

Don’t wait for the moment, better act – in the interests of the animals. Yours sincerely, Gisela


Find out more about animal care here.

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