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Day of the bird

5 January: National Bird Day

National Bird Day has existed since 2003. It was introduced by the organisation Born Free USA, which uses it to draw attention to the trade in birds such as cockatoos, parakeets and parrots.

Solidarity for our feathered friends

Birds connect habitats and biological processes. They are the “waste police” in nature, as they are the natural enemies of pests, pollinate fruit and transport seeds. They fly with ease, without having to take off in an aeroplane. Some bird species can speak and, like the Australian lyrebird, are able to imitate sounds.

The descendants of dinosaurs live among us

Seabirds, wild birds, waders and birds of prey are the most endangered bird species. Around 250 million years ago, the reptile groups separated and continued to evolve in isolation from each other. This is how the descendants of the dinosaurs live among us and above us, because according to research, birds are directly descended from the dinosaurs.

Climate change is altering the bird soundscape and nature blindness

When the birdsong in the garden that some people have been used to since childhood becomes quieter or stops altogether, it doesn’t wake people up. More exciting is a photo of a dolphin caught in a fishing net or a seabird dying because it has been caught in an oil slick at sea. The majority of people live in the city and have little connection to nature and encounters with animals. The less contact people have with their natural environment, the less they notice its deterioration.

The native birds of Austria

Bird populations in Austria are declining due to agriculture and the development of ecological areas. Numerous bird species, such as the native European Roller (feeds on large insects), the Great Grey Shrike (spears its prey on thorn bushes and hoards its hives) or the Ortolan (likes to sit on wires and tree tops and sings), are becoming quieter and quieter. They are all suffering from the effects of industrialisation and the use of pesticides. Insects are killed by chemical substances. These are dying out and thus an important food source for the birds is missing.Shift of breeding areas to the poles

Climate change is particularly affecting the flight behaviour of long-distance migrants (storks, cuckoos, nightingales, barn swallows, swifts, etc.), which spend the winter in warm countries. Their long flights, often as far as Africa, are no longer in harmony with climatic changes.
Migratory birds coming from the south find a changed insect world due to climate change, which in turn makes it difficult to feed the young, hatched birds. Climate change is influencing the migration times of many bird species, the start and location of breeding is changing and the entire population development of birds is changing.

It’s about rethinking again – nature must be given the chance to repair itself

Climate protection and everything it requires is not a problem for Austria alone. The population worldwide must feel called upon to positively support the “repair work” on nature and thus make their contribution to climate protection. The earth is a unique ball of life and there is no alternative habitat for humans and animals. Climate protection no longer means just switching off the lights behind you.

The bird house at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf

The bird aviary at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf shows just how beautiful birds are: almost 300 budgerigars were rescued from a flat a few years ago. When the door was opened, a veritable fiasco was revealed. Hundreds of parakeets were waiting to be rescued from their unnatural existence in this flat.
Parakeets love to live in large flocks. They feel at home in our bird house with a sheltered garden area for the birds to fly freely. It chirps from early morning until evening and we hope that the birds feel at home.
Parrots, various parakeet species … Birds that no longer have a place in people’s homes come to the bird house in Henndorf. The natural home of the “wavy song parrots” is Australia.

(...) We are a part of the earth, and it is a part of us. The fragrant flowers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle - they are our brothers. The rocky heights, the lush meadows, the body heat of the pony - and of man - they all belong to the same family ... The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth.

– Seattle (Chief), Speech of Chief Seattle to the United States, 1855

By: Gisela Pschenitschnig, Gut Aiderbichl

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