Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Labrador Raki asks

"Who wants to play ball with me?"

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

Raki is like an enchanted prince: he loves people and animals, he is friendly and approaches people who want to stroke him very sympathetically. The black Labrador is almost eleven years old and unfortunately had to move into a new forever home.
Raki lived with a very animal-loving man for a while, but he is now very ill and can no longer look after his best friend Raki. Somehow Raki is stuck in a one-way street. He is currently living at Gut Aiderbichl’s home farm in Carinthia. There, you get the strong impression that Raki is looking for someone who is only there for him.

“I like people. I like to play with my rubber ball, maybe you’d like to play, cuddle and walk me?
You know, I’m also a good listener. People have always told me their problems into my Labrador ears. I’m good at listening … and everything is top secret. A secret remains a secret.” – Raki speaks dog language, his eyes tell us his own wishes and desires.

Raki and the people he has met so far

The first owner Raki lived with passed away. So Raki came to live with his new owner. The two of them had a great time together, but his owner fell ill and Raki could no longer be looked after.
Gut Aiderbichl wanted to help Raki and give him another chance with people. Raki is happy in Carinthia, but we have the impression that he would certainly feel more at home in a family where children and other animals also live.

How does Raki feel after the loss of his masters?

Dogs read our scent, facial expressions and gestures like a book. They notice even the smallest changes.

“I must have noticed that my first owner was suddenly gone. A new master arrived, he’s still there, but he can no longer look after me.
Thank goodness I’ve always been lucky and have met lovely people. People who have realised that I am a loyal friend and companion to them.
I like it here at the Gut Aiderbichl farm. But it would be nice if I could live with my own owner again, or perhaps with a family. And you know, dogs promote people’s health: we want to go out in all weathers, which is good for the immune system. Your best friend is always there for you, and we’re also good comforters.”

The only absolute friend a person can have in this selfish world, who never leaves him, who never behaves ungratefully or deceitfully, is his dog.

– Woody Allen, film director

Would you like to be Raki’s absolute friend? Yours sincerely, Gisela

Find out more about raki here.

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