Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Donna, Roxy, Saphira and little Fanny

Happy ending at Gut Aiderbichl

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

The stories of the rescued animals from Gut Aiderbichlhave always been special. This time it’s about a special kind of “quartet”. What the horses had to experience is actually degrading. The former owner wanted to pave the way for a good, harmonious life for them, but somehow the plan went wrong. In the end, it was still supposed to be a happy ending at Gut Aiderbichl in Henndorf.

Whatever happens, the animals should stay together and not be mated

For reasons of space and time, the Mohrenkopf-Noriker mares Donna (14 years) and Saphira (17 years) and the donkey mare Roxy (16 years) had to be sold. The former owner’s wish that the mares and the donkey should continue to live together in the future was a pious one, but the new owner did not honour it. The condition that the mares should not be covered was also ignored. Roxy the donkey was separated from the horses and Saphira went straight to the breeding station.

The former owner bought the horses back – this was not how the horses’ future had been planned.

The horses Donna, Saphira and Fanny (foals) and donkey Roxy found a new home

A friend of the desperate former owner agreed to buy Donna, Roxy and the pregnant Saphira and take them in. All seemed well, but the horses’ sad journey was not yet over.

The friend died, leaving behind her father, who was in poor health and unable to look after the horses properly. Due to the situation, the animals were unfortunately neglected.

Once again, the former owner was looking for a new idea as to how the horses, the donkey and the young foal could finally find a good forever home.

There's Gut Aiderbichl - If we help the animals, we also help the people

This credo has once again proven true

After much deliberation, the animal emergency centre at Gut Aiderbichl was contacted and Dieter Ehrengruber didn’t think twice: Donna, Roxy, Saphira and their four-month-old foal Fanny moved into a beautiful stable together at Gut Aiderbichl in Henndorf.

Donna, Roxy, Saphira and the foal Fanny feel good all round

Animals arrive at Gut Aiderbichl very frightened and unsettled for the first time. They are signalling: where am I, what is happening to me here, etc. The Aiderbichl animal keepers are highly trained and skilful in dealing with the feelings of the new arrivals – the animals quickly lose their fear and uncertainty.

For Donna, Roxy, new mum Saphira and her foal Fanny, one thing was clear: finally being allowed to be together, enough food, a nice, shared stable and lots of mates all around. Their bellies are already getting rounder and are no longer so sunken, Fanny is enjoying her young life and the cuddles from visitors.

We hope for a successful socialisation of Palmina and Fanny

You may remember the story of Anna-Carina, a battle mare, and her foal Palmina, born on Palm Sunday? Both are doing well.

The attempt to socialise the young foals Fanny (4 months) and Palmina (4 months) and their mothers has been successful. Of course, the new group also includes the mare Donna and the donkey Roxy.


There is no fundamental difference between humans and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

– Charles Darwin British naturalist, founder of the modern theory of evolution 1809-1882

Sincerely, Your Gisela

Graues Pferd mit rotem Halfter steht hinter Holzzaun auf Gut Aiderbichl.

Horse Donna

The Mohrenkopf-Noriker mares Donna and Saphira and the donkey mare Roxy had to be sold due to space and time constraints, but were to remain together and not be bred. These conditions were not met…

Dapple-graues Pferd mit rotem Halfter steht auf einer Wiese mit grünem Hintergrund.

Horse Fanny

The Mohrenkopf-Noriker mares Donna and Saphira and the donkey mare Roxy had to be sold due to lack of space and time. The animals were supposed to stay together and not be bred, but these…

Grauer Esel mit rotem Halfter steht auf einer Wiese vor einem Holzzaun auf Gut Aiderbichl.

Donkey Roxy

The Mohrenkopf-Noriker mares Donna and Saphira and the donkey mare Roxy had to be sold due to space and time constraints, but were to remain together and not be bred. These conditions were not met…

Schwarzes Pferd mit rotem Halfter steht im Freien, umgeben von Bäumen und einem Zaun.

Horse Saphira

The Mohrenkopf-Noriker mares Donna and Saphira and the donkey mare Roxy had to be sold due to space and time constraints, but were to remain together and not be bred. These conditions were not met…

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