Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

turn of the year
at Gut Aiderbichl

Piglet Alfred was saved from slaughter

Lucky you:

Alfred is allowed to move in as a lucky pig at Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf

Piglet Alfred has been lucky in the truest sense of the word. His weight was to be guessed at a funfair. A platter of meat awaited the winner. But Alfred is a real “lucky pig”. He was saved just a few hours before the slaughter.

When Alfred the piglet saw sunlight for the first time, many people stood around him. The aim was to guess Alfred’s weight. Whoever was right was rewarded with a sum of money – and a plate of meat.

Alfred comes from a fattening farm. Until that day, he had never known cuddles and sunlight. While he was still enjoying the cuddles from the children, his future path was already predetermined. He was to be transported directly to the slaughterhouse.

Piglet Alfred has literally "had a pig"

But an animal-loving family did not agree. They persuaded the organiser to sell Alfred to them. After a long back and forth, the organiser finally agreed. In the meantime, however, Alfred was already in the slaughterhouse. Normally there is no way out of there. But Alfred the piglet was lucky in the truest sense of the word. The family left no stone unturned and contacted the owner of the slaughterhouse. “Two hours later, Alfred would have been slaughtered. We picked him up totally terrified and covered in wounds!” said his rescuer.

The family then looked for a suitable place for their “lucky pig”. Alfred has now moved into Gut Aiderbichl in Iffeldorf, where he will spend the coming year and hopefully many more peaceful ones.

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