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Noriker Filu

At the end of his life?

From the perspective of an Aiderbichler

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

(…) our tame, child-loving Filu has had huge problems with his hooves for about 5 years and this is the last chance. (…) Unfortunately, we have now reached a point where we are under too much psychological and financial strain and are asking Gut Aiderbichl for help (…).

Filu was with his owner from birth. The mare was already in care with the lady, she then bought the foal and Filu is her favourite horse. If we can’t help, there is only one option left: euthanasia.

Diagnosis: bilateral high-grade hoof cancer

A devastating, sobering diagnosis. Our colleague Eva Zach is a horse farmer and used to a lot. However, there are always situations where you stand there rooted to the spot, look at terrible photos of sick hooves and then have to decide: let them live and take them in, or advise euthanasia.

The photos Eva had in her hands didn’t tell a good story about Filu’s hoof care and treatments so far.
The previous owners had tried to get the hoof disease under control and cure it, but unfortunately there was no improvement. They had reached the end of their financial and psychological tether with looking after Filu.
Four days before the euthanasia, the Aiderbichler horse transporter reached Filu, ensuring his continued life. A look at his hooves showed that he had probably not seen a farrier for months. A quick solution had to be found.

Dieter Ehrengruber and Eva discussed giving Filu a chance in a crisis meeting. “No can do, no can do. There’s a solution for (almost) everything” – Dieter Ehrengruber had Filu brought to the rehab centre in Egg, Switzerland. Dr Karina Klein, Rehab Station Egg, studied the facts. No stone should be left unturned – Filu is now in Switzerland for rehab, and we hope for the best for him.

The burden of a sick horse

Horses with serious illnesses repeatedly present animal owners with emotional and financial problems. Sometimes conventional medicine does not help enough, or no longer helps.

The cooperation between Gut Aiderbichl and the Sandgrueb Foundation in Egg is immensely important when faced with the decision: is there a chance of a cure, or is euthanasia the only option? All the knowledge gained in Egg about the various equine diseases will subsequently also be able to help horses that live outside this holistic rehabilitation centre and may be suffering and seeking help.

Filu will be treated and rehabilitated in Egg and, following successful treatment, will be returned to Gut Aiderbichl Heimathof Deggendorf.

Filus horse soul

The holistic therapy approach in Egg takes into account both the physical and psychological problems of the horses. Filu will not only receive intensive veterinary care, but also attention, time and love from the carers.

Let’s hope that Filu doesn’t end up at the end of the line, but at a new start in his relatively young life (approx. 13 years). We are all keeping our fingers crossed for you – dear Filu!

Don't just walk on smooth roads, go where no one has gone before, so that you leave tracks and not just dust!

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Let’s be confident and leave Filuto the specialists in Egg.

Sincerely, Your Gisela

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