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Sweet baby donkey born

A warm welcome!

Big googly eyes looked at our animal keepers on Monday 7 October 2024 when they entered the donkey house at Gut Aiderbichl in the middle of the night. The big eyes belong to a new donkey girl who saw the light of day at Gut Aiderbichl at 03:12 a.m..

Mum Simona came to Gut Aiderbichl in a state of neglect

Our little donkey girl is only a few hours old, but is already incredibly curious and approaches us openly,” says head animal keeper Lisa.

Mum donkey Simona hasn’t been at Gut Aiderbichl for long. Together with fellow sufferer Franca, she was brought to Gut Aiderbichl completely neglected. Her coat was covered in wounds and her hooves had grown out, so she first had to regain her trust in humans at Gut Aiderbichl. Simona proves how well the loving care at Gut Aiderbichl has worked, especially in these moments, because she is an incredibly relaxed mum.

The animal carers at Gut Aiderbichl are very happy about the offspring and are allowed to cuddle the little mare to their hearts’ content. Mum Simona doesn’t mind, as she has learnt how good it feels at Gut Aiderbichl!

Baby donkey is looking forward to being stroked

Mum and daughter are also looking forward to your visit to the donkey house at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf,” says Dieter Ehrengruber, Managing Director and Chairman of the Gut Aiderbichl Foundation.

Foto Baby-Esel: (c)Markus Tschepp

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