Today's opening times: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Rest day | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Rest day

Gut Aiderbichl and its three question marks!

The adventures of Winter, Walker, Prince and their friends!

Who doesn’t know them, the adventures of the “Three Question Marks”, who are happy to take on any case, sparing no risk and no danger. In their books and series, the young detectives Justus, Peter and Bob take children on their journey and solve mysterious incidents and unsolved cases together – and have been doing so for many years.


At Gut Aiderbichl Carinthia, the Three Question Marks are called Winter, Walker and Prince! Together with their carers Anna-Lena, Katharina and Dominik, they spend many happy hours on the dog meadow, explore the forest and experience many new and exciting adventures.


There has to be a clumsy character in every good story. This role is played by our little Walker, who doesn’t seem to miss a single blunder. But he always shows his best side. He is a very loving dog who is happy with anything. Above all, he loves to play and be cuddled.

Prince is the sensitive one of the group. He is very sensitive and is good with older dogs. However, he also gets boisterous and wants to prove his strength. All three are very intelligent dogs who want to learn, are compatible with other dogs and like to be active.


Winter is the self-confident leader of the group. He leads the group and makes “the important decisions” in the lives of the three heroes. His superpower is “battle cuddling” and he always likes to show off these skills. Winter likes to be in the limelight and enjoys the attention. We have already found a great home for him. And it’s not just Prince and Walker that we want to find the perfect place for – our Three Question Marks have many more friends who are currently in our shelter in Romania. They also need people with whom they can go through thick and thin. Among them are Wendy, Wayana, Gustav, Noe, Vanilla, Ivanka, Jolanda, Ina and many more.

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