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World Cat Day on 08.08

A day of celebration and reflection

When you think of World Cat Day, the image of happy, purring pets immediately springs to mind. No wonder, as cats are the most popular pet in many European countries. On 8 August, we celebrate World Cat Day to honour our coexistence with cats, because they enrich our lives.

However, this day should also raise our awareness. Unfortunately, reality does not always consist of happy, cuddly cats. Cat ownership comes with a lot of responsibility, which unfortunately not everyone is able to fulfil. Some cats that come to us have been abandoned, mistreated or kept incorrectly due to ignorance. Such stories touch us at Gut Aiderbichl time and time again.

2 became 8

A few weeks ago, Gut Aiderbichl Osnabrück employees were called to a rescue operation. A flat had to be evacuated. A social worker contacted Gut Aiderbichl Osnabrück and asked to take in two cats to live there. Imagine a completely neglected, filthy flat in which homeless people seek refuge. A pungent odour takes your breath away as soon as you enter the corridor. It gets even worse in the flat. But in the midst of faeces and rubbish, two cats, two other tomcats and four tiny kittens suddenly appeared. It was very lucky that we were called at just the right time!

When animal love becomes pathological

The following story shows that the fates of people and animals are often closely linked. In 2022, for example, we received a call for help from Vienna. A cat owner lived there with 47 cats in a 50 square metre flat – with no access to the outdoors. It all started with four cats that had not been neutered. Within two years, the animals had multiplied uncontrollably. Even though the pensioner did his best to look after the many pets, they were living in the worst possible conditions due to the lack of space, exercise and retreat options. Our animal rescuers from Gut Aiderbichl brought the cats to Gut Aiderbichl Maria Schmolln.

Gut Aiderbichl Maria Schmolln – A paradise for cats

These stories are exemplary for many cats who have to endure similar fates every day. They are traumatised and need special attention and care so that they can live out their natural feline characteristics again. They receive this attention from our cat experts at Gut Aiderbichl Maria Schmolln. The cat sanctuary is picturesquely situated in a wooded area near Mattighofen (AT). Around 140 cats currently live there. The cats have access to two houses and a large, secure run.

Gut Aiderbichl Traisen - Intensive care centre

Many cats at Gut Aiderbichl not only need emotional support, but are also physically impaired. This may be due to an accident or their advanced age, for example. Gut Aiderbichl animal sanctuary Traisen, a former hotel in Austria, has been home exclusively to elderly cats since 2012. In 2012, an animal lover in Lower Austria wanted a cat sanctuary. She handed over her former hotel to Gut Aiderbichl on the condition that it would be home to elderly cats who would feel safe and comfortable. Thanks to this animal lover, Gut Aiderbichl has the opportunity to cater even more intensively to the needs of old cats. In Traisen, cats can be kept individually or in small groups. There are outdoor enclosures, balconies and terraces to cater for the different needs of the cats. In the 20 years that we have been helping cats in need, we have also learnt a lot. An indoor cat has different needs to a yard cat, a young, healthy cat has different needs to an elderly or chronically ill cat. So it’s all the better that we can fulfil all these different needs!

Cat Neutering Project

There are also many kittens who have not yet been given a second chance in life, who have no roof over their heads and are left to scavenge on the streets in the freezing cold or scorching heat. Ragged fur, open wounds and emaciated bodies – everyday life for stray cats is hard and cruel. This harsh reality is not uncommon in Germany and Austria either. For Gut Aiderbichl, animal welfare work means looking instead of looking away – and taking action! That’s why we launched the cat neutering project in 2024. The animals are caught in live traps, examined by a vet, neutered, labelled and then released back into their natural habitat. We have already been able to neuter over 300 cats free of charge. It is estimated that the female cats of the 300 neutered animals could have had around 8,000 kittens. Kittens that would otherwise have been exposed to unnecessary suffering, freezing cold and disease on the streets!


World Cat Day is an occasion to give cats a voice and special attention. These different stories have one thing in common: all fates deserve to be highlighted. Because this is the only way to prevent animal suffering in the future!


Tip:We would like to invite you to our cat festival at the Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf animal visitor centre on 25 August.

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