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World Turtle Day on 23 May 2024

Turtles carry the wisdom of centuries on their shells

On 23 May we celebrate World Turtle Day, but let’s not forget that turtles deserve our special attention every day of the year. Their existence on our planet for over 220 million years is impressive. They have survived natural disasters and ice ages. Their special secret is their remarkable adaptability.

Turtles are true survival artists - but they don't stand a chance against humans

Turtles are true survivors. Today, there are around 356 species of turtle worldwide. Their shell protects the turtles from drying out in hot areas or from enemies. However, despite their good armour, many turtle species are now highly endangered. The reason for this, as is so often the case, is human intervention in nature, which is changing or destroying the turtles’ habitats, which have developed over centuries, in a very short space of time. Another problem is that they are often hunted for food or as jewellery for terrariums. Sea turtles, in turn, become entangled in fishing nets or eat pieces of plastic that are washed into the sea.

Studies estimate that half of all species are already threatened with extinction. But we can do something about it – and give the turtles our voice. Every day of the year!

Don't forget: tortoises are very demanding!

Most turtle species live in freshwater habitats such as lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. Seven species live in the sea, while around 50 species are found exclusively on land. As cold-blooded animals, they need sufficient warmth to remain active, which explains why there is only one native species in Germany and Austria: the European pond turtle. In order for it to survive the cold winters in our regions, it has to retreat in time for hibernation.

Turtles are wild animals and yet they are often kept at home in terrariums. What many people forget when they choose a turtle as an animal friend: turtles are demanding animals!

They need places to hide and things to do, love sunbathing and the right food and plants are also important for them to feel comfortable. And many species of tortoise can live to be very old – the popular Greek tortoise, for example, can easily live to be 80 years old. The tortoise often outlives its owner. Then the question arises of what to do with it?


We at Gut Aiderbichl also receive a lot of emergency cases involving animals whose owners have passed away. The tortoises Jolly and Bruno also suffered this fate. However, their owner had taken out animal insurance and made provisions for his animals. The Greek tortoises thus became Aiderbichler animals and may remain so until the end of their natural lives.

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