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Gifts & bequests

Help to shape the future of animal welfare

It's a good feeling to leave something behind that will outlast your life

What remains when I leave?

Many animal rescues and educational measures could not be carried out by Gut Aiderbichl if there were not many animal lovers who consider our work and animals in their last will and testament, regardless of whether they are animal owners themselves. They understand the situation and consequently support the far-reaching efforts of Gut Aiderbichl, whose value-conscious actions they appreciate.

It can neither be overlooked nor suppressed: Animals, whether we call them „farm animals“, whether they live indoors or wild and free – they are not safe from our inhumanities and unreasonableness. They are abused, enslaved, degraded to victims – at home and globally. But more and more people are realising this and reacting.

The Gut Aiderbichl Foundations

The three charitable foundations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were founded by Michael Aufhauser. Dieter Ehrengruber has managed the entire administration of Gut Aiderbichl since 2002 and is a board member of all three foundations. He is supported by a management team that has contributed for many years to making Gut Aiderbichl what it is today. We provide insight into how we keep animals at all times and work with great success on the future of our institution, to guarantee also sustainability.

Our charitable status guarantees that every inheritance remains free of inheritance tax and is used for a specific purpose. After all, the example of animals is about respect for life in general, and therefore also about ourselves. And at Aiderbichl we attach great importance to the fact that it is not just about large sums or inheritances, every euro is needed and appreciated. One man, who has been an Aiderbichl resident for years, regularly donates around 50 cents to us. We don’t see this as a touching gesture, but as a mission. This applies to all donations, wills and legacies.

Five good reasons to consider Gut Aiderbichl

1. When animals are in distress, we act immediately

When we at Gut Aiderbichl learn of suffering animals or animal owners in need, we take immediate action. Thanks to our organisational structure and logistics, we are ready to act immediately. Support our operations. So that we can continue to have sufficient professional animal transports, animal experts and carers.

2. Our work begins where others stop

All the animals we rescue are given the right to stay at Gut Aiderbichl’s home farms for the rest of their lives. Here they can spend the rest of their lives in freedom and peace. Support the preservation of our sanctuaries. So that we can continue to guarantee all rescued animals a species-appropriate
and loving home for all rescued animals.

3. We create a better future for all animals

At our Gut Aiderbichl encounter farms, you can get to know our animals at eye level, share in their stories and learn that there is a real personality behind every animal. Support us in our long-term goal of bringing about a lasting change in our society’s awareness of animal welfare.

4. Animal welfare starts with each individual

In the Academy, founded by Gut Aiderbichl, we deepen our commitment to the humane treatment of animals by passing on our extensive experience. Only with your support can we continue to expand the academy and the transfer of knowledge about animal welfare.
and accommodation of animals.

5 We give animals a voice

We bring animal suffering and species extinction to the public. Whenever possible, we draw attention to abuses, take immediate action and try to alleviate the suffering of animals. Publicity and attention in the media involves a great deal of time and research. With your support, we draw attention to animals in need and thus sensitise people to animal welfare.

Find out how your personal legacy can contribute to a world in which animals have the same right as all of us: the right to a joyful life.

Contact Mrs
Holde Sudenn:

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Write us an email at: stiftung@gut-aiderbichl.com

Or call us on our free hotline: 0800 / 56 76 373

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Rescue needs support.

Support the charitable Gut Aiderbichl foundations!