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Animals looking for a

Give an animal a second chance!

Are you looking for a new family member? Why don’t you give an animal a second chance?

To us come animals that are rescued from a wide variety of situations. At Gut Aiderbichl, they find loving grooming and the best care. But our dogs and cats in particular long for a private and safe home. For many people, having their own pet is a heartfelt wish. That’s why we provide our animals with a lifelong special care place a new and caring home.

We receive up to 30 enquiries a day. We can take in many of these animals at Gut Aiderbichl, but our capacities are also limited. Our aim is to give all animals the prospect of a loving and species-appropriate home. For this reason, we offer private individuals the opportunity to place their animals in a new home on our website. You can find all animals from private persons under our “bulletin board”.

Do you have an animal that you would like to rehome? You are welcome to use our website to find a new home for your pet.

Hundewelpe Wolfgang auf unserem Schroffnergut

Special care place

Animals from Gut Aiderbichl are looking for a loving home. Gut Aiderbichl provides animals with a lifelong special care place.

Learn more
Marie im Katzenwohnzimmer auf Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf

Bulletin board

Animals from private individuals are looking for a new home.
We offer private individuals the opportunity to find new homes for their animals.

Learn more

Humans and animals successfully brought together

We have already been able to give many dogs and cats a “happy home” and are delighted every time we receive pictures, videos and news from our Aiderbichlers. Here is a small overview of our happily adopted four-legged friends.

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