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Parrainages en cadeaux

Un cadeau avec lequel vous pouvez aider !

Donnez deux fois plus de joie !

We all know this sentiment: what should I offer my friends for Christmas, Christmas or an anniversary? A parrainage is a gift that has meaning on every occasion. It gives a second chance to an animal. Thanks to your sponsorship, you can support our 6,000 animals in need and, at the same time, bring great joy to the donor.
For a monthly contribution of just 10 euros, you can offer your friends the symbolic parrainage of one of our animals. The beneficiary will receive a certificate with a photo of the animal as well as a personalized deed and a Gut Aiderbichl parrainage card.

Souscrire un parrainage cadeau

Cette carte donne au bénéficiaire des avantages particuliers :

    • L'entrée gratuite dans nos trois ferme-découverte à Henndorf, Deggendorf et Iffeldorf 365 jours par an. In addition, depending on the ticket, 4 to 8 people benefit from free entry
    • Prix réduits dans la boutique du Gut Aiderbichl (sauf gastronomie)
    • Accès exclusif à toutes les webcams de Gut Aiderbichl
    • Réception du magazine Gut Aiderbichl (2 fois par an)
    • Invitation to sponsors' meetings and trips
    • À partir d'un parrainage de € 15,- par mois, le bénéficiaire reçoit le calendrier Gut Aiderbichl à la fin de l'année

À quoi sert mon soutien ?

With your sponsorship, you are making an important contribution to the welfare and long-term care of our animals at Gut Aiderbichl and you are also supporting the maintenance of our farms in Henndorf, Deggendorf and Iffeldorf, as well as the dissemination of our philosophy on animal welfare.

If you are looking for a meaningful and lasting gift, our animal parcels are certainly the right choice. If you want to parrainer a specific animal, please indicate the exact name of the animal and its species (e.g. chien, chat, âne) in the champ du message. If you have any other questions, please contact us at any time at the address patenschaften@gut-aiderbichl.com or call our free assistance line on 0800 / 56 76 373.

Nous espérons que vous apprécierez votre expérience en matière de cadeaux.

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