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À propos de l'académie

L'homme, l'animal et la nature unis

Connaissances, expertise, amour des animaux, durabilité et transmission des valeurs

L' Académie de Gut Aiderbichl is a place where knowledge, expertise, love of animals, durability and values are regrouped and transferred in the interest of animals. The aim is to create a future in which animals are respected as companions and an integral part of our society. This benefits men, animals and nature to an equal extent. The aim of the Académie de Gut Aiderbichl is therefore to build bridges between animals and humans by transferring knowledge in order to promote an attentive and competent approach to animals and a harmonious relationship between humans and animals, based on appreciation and trust.

L' Académie is a platform for the development of innovative solutions to animal welfare issues. We explain the context in order to sensitize people to new discoveries and thus stimulate reflection and questioning. The educational programs aimed at children, young people and adults focus in particular on animal husbandry, welfare, psychology and animal ethics. Thanks to its many animal farms, Gut Aiderbichl is the ideal educational center for sustainable development based on practical experience for all generations.

We consider the graduates of the Gut Aiderbichl Academy to be ambassadors for animals and multipliers of our philosophy. As a center of education, we therefore attach great importance to the success of the apprenticeship. The graduates must benefit from a gain in skills and an education of the mind, whatever their previous experience. Regular evaluations guarantee and continuously improve the positive results of the apprenticeship.

Vous souhaitez poursuivre votre formation

dans le secteur animalier ?


C'est le moment de le faire!

Vers l'offre de cours

Partners for cooperation in the education sector

L'école de soins aux animaux du Vetmeduni de Vienne

Since November 2018, Gut Aiderbichl and the Ecole de soins aux animaux de Vetmeduni Vienne have been collaborating within the framework of a new educational partnership.

An inaugural meeting between the PDG of Aiderbichl, Dieter Ehrengruber, and Professor Dr. Yves Moens, Director of the Vetmeduni Vienna's School of Veterinary Medicine, took place at the beginning of August 2018. Professor Moens' visit was particularly motivated by the fact that the School of Veterinary Medicine has developed a new study program in which animal welfare and the relationship between humans and animals are key points.

During the day they spent together, after intensive discussions and a very interesting guided tour by animal caretaker Martina Neureiter, they all realized that Gut Aiderbichl and the animal welfare school have a lot in common. Professor Moens was impressed by the professionalism of the animal care provided. Le professeur Moens : Moens : "The attention that Gut Aiderbichl pays to animals that are old and suffering from chronic illnesses is an example for other animal sanctuaries. This can help us to find new criteria for evaluating the quality of life of animals that are so well cared for by humans!

It quickly became clear that Gut Aiderbichl and the Ecole de soins aux animaux had many common concerns and that the two organizations were committed to ensuring the well-being and protection of our animals. Dieter Ehrengruber, General Director of Aiderbichl, explains: "Gut Aiderbichl has already saved millions of animals from extreme suffering and is recognized and respected as an expert in animal welfare. We explain the context and make our knowledge available. We believe that this is the only way to bring about lasting change in the interests of animals and to encourage people to change and rethink the way they treat animals."

Dieter Ehrengruber, General Director of Gut Aiderbichl, and Professor Moens have agreed to collaborate in the future in the field of animal welfare and education. The aim is to strengthen and improve awareness of animal welfare in our society and, in particular, to make animal welfare a central educational objective in animal welfare education.

As part of this new educational cooperation, the animal caretakers of Gut Aiderbichl will take part in conferences, workshops and seminars animated by experts from the animal welfare school, and students selected from the animal welfare school will carry out their practical training in the areas covered by Gut Aiderbichl. Gut Aiderbichl also supports the future educational projects of the Ecole de soins aux animaux.
Cooperation with the Gut Aiderbichl Academy is very important. For example, in collaboration with the academy, an annual prize is awarded to graduates of the animal welfare school for their exceptional achievements in the field of animal welfare.

The cooperation between Gut Aiderbichl and the Ecole de soins aux animaux is a step forward in the transmission of our values and our visions to people and in the long-term maintenance of what we have achieved to date.

L'école de soins aux animaux du Vetmeduni de Vienne

L'école de soins aux animaux is a public general education establishment of three years accessible to all young people aged 15 and over. It is the only educational establishment in Austria to offer a modular program in the form of a school of the day, which allows students to specialize in a particular field. From the third year onwards, future animal handlers can choose between three specialization modules (zoo/research/animal clinic) in their preferred professional field and thus optimally prepare themselves for a career in animal welfare. Animal welfare and the respectful treatment of animals are important elements of the training concept.


École de soins aux animaux du Vetmeduni de Vienne
Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Vienne
Téléphone : +43 1 25077 3750 +43 1 25077 3750
Courriel : tierpflegeschule@vetmeduni.ac.at