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Animaux à la recherche d'une
maison à vie

Donnez une seconde chance à un animal !

Are you looking for a new member of the family? Why not give a second chance to an animal ?

Nous accueillons des animaux sauvés de situations très diverses. At Gut Aiderbichl, they find attentive care and the best assistance possible. But our chiens and our chats, in particular, aspire to a private and safe home. For many people, having their own companion animal is a sincere wish. That's why we offer our animals a special lieu de soins spéciaux à vie.

We receive up to 30 requests per day. We can accommodate a large number of these animals at Gut Aiderbichl, but our capacities are also limited. Our aim is to give all animals the opportunity to find a foyer that is kind and adapted to their species. That's why we offer our customers the opportunity to place their pets in a new cage on our website. You will find all the specialty animals under our "tableau d'affichage" .

Vous avez un animal que vous aimeriez placer dans un nouveau foyer ? Vous pouvez utiliser notre site web pour trouver un nouveau foyer pour votre animal.

Dog puppy Wolfgang on our Schroffner estate

Lieu de soins spéciaux

Les animaux de Gut Aiderbichl sont à la recherche d'un foyer plein d'amour. Gut Aiderbichl offers the animals a special place to stay throughout their lives.

Marie in the cat living room at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf

Tableau d'affichage

The animals of the specialty are looking for a new foyer.
We offer them the opportunity to find a new home for their animals.

Réussir la rencontre entre l'homme et l'animal

We have already been able to give a "foyer heureux" to many dogs and cats and we are delighted every time we receive photos, videos and news from our Aiderbichlers. Here is a brief overview of our four friends, adopted with good cheer.

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