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Parrainages d'entreprises

Show your commitment to the welfare of animals

Devenez un parrain d'animaux
avec votre entreprise

The more powerful the less powerful - this is the philosophy that underpins our corporate partnerships. We want to offer companies the opportunity to get involved in a good cause, to take responsibility and to make the well-being of animals visible and tangible. Thanks to this vision, we have already been able to encourage many companies to accept our training offer. Follow our example and become a Gut Aiderbichl animal partner.

Votre parrainage à Gut Aiderbichl

As a company, we offer you the opportunity to make your commitment to animal welfare visible to the outside world through a partnership.

For some time now, we have been offering this service exclusively to companies so that you can benefit from the notoriety and sympathy of our employees. As a company, you are demonstrating your commitment to a good and sustainable cause.

En guise de remerciement pour votre soutien, vous recevrez divers avantages, que nous vous présenterons volontiers lors d'un entretien personnel.

Become a parrain d'animaux and make your commitment visible and tangible.

Parrains des animaux 2023: