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À propos de nous

Nous sommes Gut Aiderbichl

Gut Aiderbichl has been working for animals since 2001 and is an important institution for the welfare of animals in Europe. Our sanctuaries of origin in 6 European countries are home to more than 6,000 animals that have been rehabilitated in very diverse situations. We guarantee each animal a safe and secure home until the end of its life.

Even before the association was founded in 2001, Michael Aufhauser was already committed to animal rights. Together with Dieter Ehrengruber, Gut Aiderbichl has become a driving force that was only mentioned in the early years. Year after year, we are fighting for equitable conditions for the animals - and we are helping ourselves in our own facilities.

Vers l'histoire

Michael Aufhauser


Above all, Michael Aufhauser wanted to be able to help the animals as needed on a large scale. The emphasis was not on the size of the domain itself, but rather on a sufficient capacity for care. It is thanks to his expertise, his professional commitment and his sensitivity for humans and animals that Gut Aiderbichl has been able to develop and establish itself in this field. Millions of animals have benefited from this up to the present day.

Michael Aufhauser quickly understood that the well-being of animals must also be the well-being of men. His credo: even if we try to protect the animals against us, we won't get anything. It is only when we have succeeded in no longer having to protect them that we have achieved our goal.
We have changed something: us!

Portrait de Michael Aufhauser

Dieter Ehrengruber


Dieter Ehrengruber has accompanied Gut Aiderbichl since the very beginning and has played a decisive role in the creation of this unique place of encounter between humans and animals.

Michael Aufhauser shared his idea of creating places where hundreds of millions of people could come together to meet, live and learn about wild animals. His aim was also to attract young people and get them interested in animals. Dieter Ehrengruber was fascinated by this vision.

Portrait de Dieter Ehrengruber

Aiderbichl Estate
Une histoire à succès depuis plus de 20 ans

Qu'est-ce qui caractérise Gut Aiderbichl et où en est la communauté de protection des animaux après plus de 20 ans de travail pour le bien-être des animaux ? 5 questions for Dieter Ehrengruber, General Director and Member of the Foundation's Board of Directors.

1 Quelle est l'intention de Gut Aiderbichl ?

D.E.: "Regarder au lieu de détourner le regard, agir et éduquer, protéger et préserver, tels sont les principes fondamentaux de Gut Aiderbichl.

Our founder, Michael Aufhauser, was convinced that it was our duty, as human beings, to defend the vulnerable. To give them a place in society. In 2001, he came up with the idea of creating a place where animals that have suffered terrible experiences could be rehabilitated with love and respect for their species. Il a consacré toute sa vie au rêve de Gut Aiderbichl - un rêve qui devenu réalité il y a plus de 20 ans".

2. qu'est-ce qui fait la particularité de Gut Aiderbichl ?

D.E.: "In short: protect the animals, offer them a home, create meetings. We rescue animals in emergency situations and offer them a shelter that is friendly and adapted to their species in our sanctuaries. We can thus guarantee that they will never again experience fear.

However, Gut Aiderbichl is considered to be more than just a point of contact for animals in distress. We also believe that it is our duty to promote the idea of animal welfare. That is why three of our sanctuaries (Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf, Iffeldorf and Deggendorf) have been declared "sanctuaries of encounter". Ici, nous voulons donner un espace à notre vision. A space where men and animals can meet in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere. In this way, we are making sure that the stories of our animals become even more tangible and that animal suffering takes on a face".

3. where is the animal welfare community today and what are its projects for the future?

D.E.: "Michael Aufhauser's vision, which began more than 20 years ago with the construction of the first pier at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf near Salzbourg, has evolved into a European-wide animal welfare organization. Because animal suffering is not a national problem, but one that affects the whole of Europe. Gut Aiderbichl has experienced a regular growth and has become a driving force for the protection of animals: Gut Aiderbichl now has a total of ten sanctuaries in six European countries (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Hong Kong and France). In these sanctuaries, people accomplish great feats and ensure the welfare of more than 6,000 animals, 365 days a year.

We receive calls for help every day. But our capacities are also limited. It's always a difficult step for us when we have to cancel a project due to a lack of space. One of our priorities for the coming years is therefore clearly to expand our facilities. At the same time, we want to bring about a long-term change in awareness in our society - with regard to animals as living beings - by means of a "healthy" public relations strategy.

4 Pourquoi Gut Aiderbichl fait-il des relations publiques ?

D.E.: "Critical education and the active press and public relations work that accompanies it is an objective declared by the Gut Aiderbichl Foundation. In fact, the millions of animals without a name that have to live in feedlots or in other unacceptable conditions have an oath. They are aware of the pain, the sadness and the sorrow. But they do not have a voice to tell their story. This is the mission of Gut Aiderbichl: we want to give a voice to the sans-voix. But in addition to protecting animals and giving them a home, this is exactly what we mean by "active animal protection": working constantly to change public opinion and create a new awareness of animals as living creatures and the way we treat nature. That is why we are putting animal suffering under the eyes of the public".

5 Comment puis-je m'impliquer dans Gut Aiderbichl ?

D.E.: "Nous sommes toujours heureux d'accueillir toute personne souhaitant nous soutenir sur une base volontaire ou honorifique. If you are interested, you can contact our heritage managers at any time. However, the best way to help our animals is to make a regular donation or a parrainage. In fact, Gut Aiderbichl depends on donations and legs. This is the only way to guarantee that all of our animals continue to receive attentive care and that we can continue to develop ourselves for the good of the animals".

Financial report 2021

Vous pourrez bientôt télécharger le rapport financier 2021 ici.