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Enfin sauvée - le froid se profile-t-il à l'horizon ?

Plus de 300 chèvres et moutons await toujours une étable chauffée

Enfin en sécurité - mais l'hiver qui approche est un défi majeur

With good intentions, Evi, a militant for the protection of animals, has taken over a farm where she could take care of her pets and give them a loving home. Everything went well for a long time. But the expenses of her animal lover have become incontrollable. The price hikes of the last few years have taken their toll on her and she has had to leave her home with her pets. 300 animals have been killed in the end!

"I have always wanted to give a life to animals that don't have one. I promised them that I would take care of them. Et maintenant, je ne peux plus"; Evi lamente, les larmes aux yeux. Gut Aiderbichl was her first ambition - and she was not disappointed!

A large mobile emergency tent was set up from day to day as an emergency shelter for the large troop. But the arrival of winter is threatening the troop once again. Temporary accommodation must be improved as a matter of urgency to provide protection against the approaching frost. In addition, many animals are elderly or suffer from chronic diseases.

This is an emergency appeal and we sincerely ask you to help us to continue to provide babies, children and adults with the care they need!

Even if these are not young companion animals: if you like, we now realize that true love for animals does not stop with chiens and chats. But that every living being deserves to be killed.

Every contribution counts! Aidez-nous dès maintenant!


Information sur votre don

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The protection of your personal data is important to us! The transaction of your donation is carried out via a secure https connection. All data is transmitted in encrypted form (via an SSL/TLS certificate) and cannot be read or manipulated by third parties.

All the information on data protection is available here.

Votre don est déductible des impôts !

All donations to Gut Aiderbichl foundations in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are tax-deductible. It is therefore twice as pleasant to make a donation!

If you have any other questions, please contact us by email at spenden@gut-aiderbichl.com or by phone on our free direct line 0800 / 56 76 373. We look forward to hearing from you!