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à Gut Aiderbichl

Unique in the world !

Un cadre idéal pour les événements et les festivités

Whether for three or 700 people, Gut Aiderbichl offers the perfect setting for events and celebrations of all kinds. The animals sauvés create a special magic.

If you are looking for an extraordinary theme for your anniversary, company party, product presentation or anniversary, Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf, Iffeldorf or Deggendorf is the place to be. Here you will find the combination of a festive ambience, exceptional technology and stage construction, and a pleasant atmosphere, a paradisiacal tranquillity and sabots that sparkle, elegant table decorations and soft furnishings. In this unique atmosphere, you can relax and enjoy your event while your guests and visitors are entertained.

Réservations ou informations complémentaires sur tourismus@gut-aiderbichl.com ou +43 (0) 664 60094207.