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Pâques à Gut Aiderbichl

Réunion des parrains de Pâques - Balance sheet

La fête de Pâques à Gut Aiderbichl is always quelque chose de spécial pour les gens et les animaux.

During the holidays in Pâques, our fermes in Deggendorf, Iffeldorf and Henndorf offered an exciting program for the young and the young at heart, with animal walks, pony toilet training sessions and the animal guardian program. The Lapin de Pâques was also on its way out and had its first run on the Thursday of Pâques. Not only at Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf, but also at Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf and Deggendorf, there were plenty of things to explore.

On the Thursday of Pâques, we were once again able to welcome our sponsors and supporters to Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf. During our meeting of the sponsors of Pâques, we were able to give you an insight into our daily work for the protection of animals and celebrate the festive food ceremony with you.

Thanks to your help, we have already been able to give more than 160 animals a new foyer at Gut Aiderbichl from the beginning of the year until our parrains' reunion in April.

Nous aimerions partager avec vous les impressions de notre réunion des parrains de Pâques dans une courte vidéo.