Today's opening hours: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: Day off | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: Day off | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: Day off

Cat Leroy & Grigoria

  • Color: Red & Grey-Brown
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 10 & 8 years
  • Origin: Greece

Leroy (male, red): Very people-oriented and affectionate, needs attention and wants to cuddle as much as possible. He likes to "talk" a lot and also accompanies his human from room to room. He has a lung condition, which so far has not affected him further, but he breathes quite loudly because of it. (veterinary clarified) Grigoria: (female, gray-brown) Shy cat, needs a lot of quiet and a place to retreat. As soon as she has gained confidence, she reliably comes to the sofa in the evening and wants to be cuddled. If she has too much stress (as unfortunately currently), she plucks out fur.

& more information

With a heavy heart we are looking for a new home for our cats with free access. After our move, we unfortunately can no longer offer them this and they miss it very much. Further private circumstances now lead to the fact that we are urgently looking for a new place for them to grow old.

Important for the new home: Lots of cuddling (after acclimatization), no small children, outdoor access.

Since the two are attached to each other, they are only placed together.

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