Today's opening hours: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p. m. | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m. | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m.

Leopold the pig

Noble pig

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    Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf

Leopold was raffled off and would have ended up as a suckling pig Leopold was only a few weeks old when he was exhibited at a poultry market. He was raffled off, and if the winner had not been an animal-loving family, Leopold would not have had a long life. Leopold was bought free and now lives with his new friend Peppa at the Gut Aiderbichl meeting farm in Iffeldorf.

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