Today's opening hours: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p. m. | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m. | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m.

Sheep Lillyput

felt asleep peacefully

Lillyput's former owner loved the little sheep more than anything. He was born nine and a half months ago with a disease: he was a so-called "Schmallenberg lamb". His mother was probably bitten by a Gnat (bearded mosquito) during pregnancy. Thus, the virus came into the unborn small body.

Even as a small baby sheep, Lillyput faced his illness. He was able to stand up and remain standing - albeit shakily at first. His crippled front legs were supported by self-made splints. Within a few days, he managed to walk relatively briskly with the artificially applied support. Lillyput even dared to take small leaps in the air. His crooked spine pulled itself into a straighter position as he grew. The shoulder blades also approached a correct position. The lower jaw was present, but it had grown crosswise. Nevertheless, Lillyput could eat grass.

From babyhood, Lillyput wanted to be carried by human hands and petted a lot. He wanted to cuddle with people and sometimes you had the impression he thought he was a little lap dog. Physical contact with his humans was very important to him.

No one could predict the life expectancy of Lillyput. He was a fighter and wanted to live, and that counted. Every day with his animal friends in Deggendorf was a special day for him, even if life was not a full one. But that didn't interest the little one at all.
He enjoyed the weather as it came: the sun, the rain, the wind and the snow. He was allowed to experience friendships, but he was not interested in them and in having a hierarchy. Lillyput lived his life in his modest way and we are grateful that he fell asleep peacefully and without a fight a few days ago. His rumen did not want to work properly, so he decided to sleep. The little candle of life that nature allowed him to have went out.

The small, fuzzy Lillyput with the faithful, dark eyes showed us humans whether healthy or sick - we all have one thing in common: the will to live and the right to be allowed to live.

Thank you for being there. We will miss you, little Lillyput.

(...) The little prince spends his days sweeping the volcanoes and weeding, because his planet is constantly in danger of being overgrown by baobabs. For this reason, he wishes for a sheep (...)

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 

Gut Aiderbichl
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