Today's opening hours: Gut Aiderbichl Henndorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p. m. | Gut Aiderbichl Deggendorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m. | Gut Aiderbichl Iffeldorf: 9:00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m.

Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay McCue

when people and their animals get older

From the perspective of Gut Aiderbichl

(written by Gisela Pschenitschnig)

Horses are high-maintenance animals. For health reasons, the owner of Siksika and Chakotay was less and less able to look after her two horses.

A good friend of the lady visited Siksika Snoflake and Chakotay McCue and was horrified by their condition. She contacted the animal emergency center at Gut Aiderbichl, but unfortunately at the time it was impossible to help the two horses quickly by taking them in due to lack of space.

The woman supported the horses at least once a week with her work and care, but this could not be a permanent solution. Her friend had to undergo a hip operation and a satisfactory solution for the horses had to be found as quickly as possible.

Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay McCue found a home at Gut Aiderbichl Eslarn

For many years the horses had lived with their owner, but now they were both almost 20 years old, they could only be cared for in a makeshift manner, and everything seemed very confused and complicated.
The horse owner's friend, however, did not give up trying to get back to Gut Aiderbichl again and again. And then the positive answer finally came: Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay McCue found a place in Eslarn. The situation began itself to relaxeden.
The horses and their former owner are separated from each other by around 45 minutes, so contact with the animals can be maintained. Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay McCue enjoy the wide pastures in Eslarn and have been given a nice stable. Many conspecifics and lovely people at the farm in Eslarn make it easier for them to adjust.

A new stable, new people - how do animals cope with new situations? 

When a new stable is found for a horse, the difficult issue of acclimatization to the herd comes first. After all, the horse should feel at home and be happy and comfortable there as quickly as possible. Many factors play a role in this.
The new horse must first find its place in the existing group. The hierarchy must be reorganized. Horses are creatures of habit and separation from the old stable and owner, the loss of familiar surroundings and a safe herd, means stress and a major change in a horse's life. For many horses, everything is new when they change stables: the caregiver, the herd, the stable, the environment, the habits, smells, noises, food, etc.

Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay McCue are enjoying their new surroundings and the love and care of the people at Gut Aiderbichl in Eslarn.

Horses cannot read minds, but they can sense thoughts.


Siksika Snowflake and Chakotay feel the good thoughts of the Aiderbichler staff in Eslarn, who only want one thing: for them to be well.
They are happy, balanced and content with their new surroundings. Yours sincerely, Gisela


Horse Chakotay McCue

American Paint Horse

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Horse Siksika Snowflake

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Siksika Snowflake - Nothing was in balance anymore Siksika Snowflake (18 years old) could no longer be cared for properly by her owner for health reasons. A friend stepped in and helped with the care of her...

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